Sherly´s Tips

Two essential Vietnamese sauces for this summer

There’s nothing like fresh and aromatic Vietnamese food in the hot summer time, do you agree? That’s why we are starting with Vietnamese cooking classes this summer. The first class in June is already full!

I love the lightness and freshness of the cuisine and most of all, I really like the fact that you can be flexible with the ingredients. For example: summer rolls – use any vegetable in your refrigerator to roll up in the rice paper!

To incorporate the Vietnamese flavors into your daily cooking, there are two savory sauces that you want to have. Really easy to make and delicious with basically everything! Use them as an Asian dressing to your salad or just to dip some sliced veggies.

1. Sweet Peanut Sauce (500ml)

(The brown one above, Vegan!)

  • 1 shallot or half onion, chopped
  • 1-2 cloves garlic, chopped
  • Half cup peanut butter
  • Half cup Hoisin sauce
  • Half cup coconut milk or water


  1. Heat up 2 tablespoons of cooking oil in a pot and add in the shallot and garlic and fry on medium heat until the shallots become transparent. Don’t burn! If oil dries out, add a bit of water.
  2. Add in the rest of the ingredients into the pot and mix well until they are well integrated and become a sauce. You can add more coconut milk or water to create a thickness to your liking. I sometimes add twice the amount of the liquid and make it into a salad dressing.
  3. Cool and serve it with veggies or salad. It keeps in a tupperware in the refrigerator for 1 week.

2. Savory lime dressing

It’s the one above that has red chilies. You can use this dressing also for a bowl of Bún Chả or Bò Bún!  To make this dressing just mix below ingredients following the ratio:

  • 1 part white sugar
  • 1 part fish sauce (for a vegan version, replace with soy sauce)
  • 5 part water
  • Chop in some garlic, red chili, and squeeze in lime juice as much as you want.

These are great for Bò Bún noodle salad or the Vietnamese crepes Banh Xeo. (Learn to make them in our Vietnamese cooking class) Or just drizzle over some cut cucumbers and serve it next to my summer BBQ. Enjoy!


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Sherly's Kitchen
Seestrasse 297
8038 Zürich, Switzerland



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